Privacy Policy

Agreement on personal data processing.

Being a user of I give my permission to «PR MOTION» Administration to process my following personal data:

  1. name,
  2. email address,
  3. information about my profiles in social networks,
  4. phone number,
  5. accounts
    1. Skype,
    2. Telegram,
  6. information about my device location
  7. type of my device and its resolution details; type and language of OS on my device,
  8. type, version and language of my browser (or other software I use when browsing the web page),
  9. IP address, web page address I came from to the web page (referrer),
  10. information about the pages I open on web page.

I agree to provide above mentioned personal data for following purposes:

  • authentification at web page and using all its services,
  • fullfilling the agreement;
  • contacting me in case of necessity and getting notifications, information requests regarding using services of SMM INFO, orders execution and newsletter,
  • gathering statistics, in order to optimize web page structure and content as well as making it more user friendly.

My confirmation is offective during indefinite period or untill I cancel it in written form.

I am informed that I can cancell this personal data processing agreement by sending an email to [email protected] and marking the subject as "recall of personal data processing agreement".

I am informed about this Privacy Policy and personal data processing at and I agree with all statements above.